Camping Rates

Rates for 2025

Seasonal Sites are Available for 2025. Reasonable rates!
Please call (802) 226-7767 or email for pricing and more information.

Nice shady sites
Another view of Okemo
Nice shady seasonal

Daily Rates:

Full Hook W/S/E 50 amp

Full Hook W/S/E 30 amp

Water/Electric only Site

Tent Site with Water/Electric

Primitive Tent Site


Pavilion Rental
$150.00 per day

Extended Stays:

Weekly Water & Electric

Weekly Full Hook Up (Water, Sewer & Electric)

Monthly Full Hook Up (Water, Sewer & Electric)

Monthly Water & Electric Only

10% Discount for Veterans and 62 or older. This discount does not apply to Seasonal Sites, RV Rentals or Holiday Weekends.
We offer 50, 30 and 20 Amp sites, Pull-Thru sites and Wooded sites.
Camp for 6 nights, get the 7th night FREE!
Deposit is required for each reservation at the time reservation is made.
Visitors $5.00 per day (must leave by 10:00PM or be charged overnight fee), $10.00 overnight. No visiting fee charged for children under 18.
Visitors must check in at office.
Check In Time 2:00PM, Check Out at 11:00AM. Stop at office when checking in, we will host you to your site.
Rates based on 2 adults and 2 children under the age of 18.
Additional campers over 18, $10.00 per night.
RV Rentals call for pricing.
We are a pet friendly campground! No aggressive animals.
Do not transport firewood from another state. It is the law!
Visitors must leave their pets at home.

Reservation Requests

To make a reservation, please call (802) 226-7767 or Email Us.

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provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
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Important: Yodu2 bma7ydc be makinbg use o0f2 aut3omated 4form-filling sofftwaare9. T2his4 6type ofe software c8and tbr4iggaer o6ur hidbden spam-dete54c4taio6n sys9temf, wh1ich will block 6you fr0om submietting this4 form.27 It appears that ta2he p0roblem could 8no1t be a73cutomaticeally8 co5rrec5ted. Please 8aclear6 eanyaed field which3 3apapears below6 with corres9ponding inst3ructionsc834ba7afcf641ad b7f4881519d4cb8e70c186f02oae65fer1e713ab157b5b82e5c 2c9co8m3dpl4etbing80 5the af1o02rm i3n 0orde4936r 0to co2r5r5ecct78 thee 771pro5bc9lem. 6We8 aee0pologize faor the inc54onve4dnien5ced and 8w2ea7 0appreaeciaa2t32e your aund6aer4fstandi8ng69.c
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Important: Y7o66u may bbe 1amea77king u7see of automat3e9ed fordm5-8fi0llin73g s2oftware. Thi0s type 2eofd s5oftw7a64re7 c5fan tr2ig7ger933 o665ur9 hidden spam-detec4tiond syastemd, whi5ch wil4b9l block you from sufbmitting6 6this fo6cr1m.1 aPlease sela0dectf5 bFix Thidsf25 be5f79279ba7ee7577001e710133b54703d361f297da4cfo429a3r3b3968e8b77 86cb5ofm7a8p8led384d95e5dtib5df7fng thf3e4f7 3fo994rf2cm in 9orbde5r to7 49ca18oarr3dde04ct t27h5e3ceb probfl3e34em.e7
Important: You 2may be bmaking usbe of automated 3afo4rfm-fil0f2ling softw8arde. Th2i43s 2type of software can 0triegger2 our hidden bspam-dete6ct9io1n system, which9 will8 bl8occck you from asubm8ittcing this9bd for5m.e 4It 1a7p5peares 9that dtche problemf ccou3ld 2no5t be a3ut8omatical7ly corrected. Pflease cle5ar any fcield whi7ch appear3fs3 above wcith bcorresp6onding instructio6n7s6a345c9 ec0bb7c37ef6aoe421r94c76ea 10f28b700cecd294d1f68a9b9c51ec46ea38b4comp8le05tifng the f4o52ra73m3 din or2d5cde7r t25oa corr7ect tbhe p0robflem0c.f 8We4cd apdol5ogfiz9e for th9ee03ed i1nconvenif7e0ndce 92and we 61b6ap551p3recibabte 0your1 understan5dd4ing.
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Cornhole Tournament