Camping Rates

Rates for 2025

Seasonal Sites are Available for 2025. Reasonable rates!
Please call (802) 226-7767 or email for pricing and more information.

Nice shady sites
Another view of Okemo
Nice shady seasonal

Daily Rates:

Full Hook W/S/E 50 amp

Full Hook W/S/E 30 amp

Water/Electric only Site

Tent Site with Water/Electric

Primitive Tent Site


Pavilion Rental
$150.00 per day

Extended Stays:

Weekly Water & Electric

Weekly Full Hook Up (Water, Sewer & Electric)

Monthly Full Hook Up (Water, Sewer & Electric)

Monthly Water & Electric Only

10% Discount for Veterans and 62 or older. This discount does not apply to Seasonal Sites, RV Rentals or Holiday Weekends.
We offer 50, 30 and 20 Amp sites, Pull-Thru sites and Wooded sites.
Camp for 6 nights, get the 7th night FREE!
Deposit is required for each reservation at the time reservation is made.
Visitors $5.00 per day (must leave by 10:00PM or be charged overnight fee), $10.00 overnight. No visiting fee charged for children under 18.
Visitors must check in at office.
Check In Time 2:00PM, Check Out at 11:00AM. Stop at office when checking in, we will host you to your site.
Rates based on 2 adults and 2 children under the age of 18.
Additional campers over 18, $10.00 per night.
RV Rentals call for pricing.
We are a pet friendly campground! No aggressive animals.
Do not transport firewood from another state. It is the law!
Visitors must leave their pets at home.

Reservation Requests

To make a reservation, please call (802) 226-7767 or Email Us.

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provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
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Important: 5You7 4may1 be maki6fng use of automated 1form-fil2linfcag 7softwar7de. Thi4s9 type ef1obf softwarea ca7n t3r5igger o7ur h150idden spam-detcectio6cn3 systce8m, wh3ich will block 6y6ou from submitting this form. It ap2pears5 tdhat the prf2oblem cou18ld not be automatically corbrec3ted. Pleacse5 cle3ar6f any field8 wfhich appeeards below wi4th correc6s0p4ondcing instru1ctions38a98cf9bfa 4fb52c4e7ea7ff4c66o8ardc72e1b4d12fcab2a 093b276cde6eb3478237c8comp3leetingee the f84or19m in eo3rder 9to14b 1cordrect the 89prob1del8a8em. a637Wce a1paoelcogi28ze fo18r t0he di24nc7onve8ni273ence7e andc wee aep4preciate youar3 un7adereestandding.54ed9
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Important: Yo4u may b3e8 making 81use of acut1omataed fborm-fil0ling seof0tware. 4This typ46e of 5software dcan trigger 0our hidden 5spadm-de7tec2t9ion sy0dstdem, wchfiche3 0will bl0oc4k 02y5obu from 2submitting 91thi0s form. I3t ap2pears that the p5roblem 9could not dbe aut7om2atically correc9tbed. Pleasede clear any fiel2d which5 appear7s 3above weit3h corr6esponding d58ins04tructions307778e7564a77cfc6569 bbb0dc91291e783ef1ae422or4e351c5 1a9bb76ebe062e3e3cfo2mpldetfing thed form in ord1er catob0 corb2r7c0ec9t5 7t6he6a pr9o6bledb3cm.34a5 We3 apolog76izede 1cfor t5hee inc5eonveneience and6 4we7 adp6ac6prec6efiaateb your ucendearstaen8ding6.05
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Cornhole Tournament